Minimize Allergies and Asthma by Improving Your Indoor Air Quality

Maintaining a clean home results in good indoor air quality. If your Newport News, Virginia, home is harboring dust, pet hair, smoke, and biological growth, your allergies or asthma symptoms could be worsened. Read on to learn how maintaining a regular cleaning regimen and changing your furnace’s air filter can help improve your home’s indoor air quality.

Maintain a Regular Cleaning Regimen

Dust and pet hair are indoor air pollutants that can trigger asthma attacks and allergy symptoms. Maintaining a regular cleaning regimen can help you control the amount of dust and pet hair in your home.

When it’s time to clean your home, focus on the areas where dust and pet hair build up. Make sure you clean your carpets, floor and wall vents, blinds and curtains. Keeping these areas of your home cleaned regularly can help reduce the level of indoor air pollutants present.

Change Your Furnace’s Air Filter

When was the last time you changed your furnace’s air filter? The air filter plays an important role in the way your furnace works. The air filter captures large particles of indoor pollutants before they enter your furnace and the air inside your home. Changing your furnace’s air filter regularly can help reduce the number of allergens and asthma triggers in the air.

Don’t Buy Harmful Products

It might be tempting to smoke in your home or light a candle to freshen the air. However, tobacco and candles are harmful for your indoor air quality, asthma, and allergies. In addition to smoke and candles, cleaning products, laundry detergent, perfumes, and flowers can trigger your allergy and asthma symptoms. You can substitute these products with natural cleaning products, unscented laundry products and plants.

Combat Problems With Humidity

Did you think humidity was a problem you only had to face in the summer? High humidity levels can also create problems in your home during the winter. Warm, moist spaces such as bathrooms might not receive proper air circulation and ventilation. When moisture builds up inside these spaces, harmful biological growth can form. Using a dehumidifier and improving airflow throughout these areas of your home can help control humidity levels.

Let Lighthouse Mechanical Heating and Cooling help you look for ways you can improve your home’s indoor air quality this winter. Call us today to schedule an appointment with our indoor air quality experts.

Image provided by Bigstock

Originally published in Dec. 2018, updated in March 2020

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