How Smart Thermostats Benefit Busy Professionals

When you’re juggling the demands of your career, finding ways to make your Newport News, Virginia, home more convenient is certainly appealing. One of the most popular home automation features among busy professionals is a smart thermostat, which can deliver a number of appealing benefits. Smart thermostats offer accessibility, convenience and cost savings on your monthly HVAC bills.


A smart thermostat is accessible from anywhere. You can simply open an app on your smartphone or tablet to adjust the temperature, change your settings, or even switch the system over to vacation mode. Accessibility is especially appealing to those who are constantly on the go. Whether you’re headed out of town for a few days or you’re cozy in bed and want to alter the indoor temperature, you can do either from anywhere as long as you have a Wi-Fi connection.


Another major benefit of home automation and smart thermostats is convenience. You can set a schedule and allow the smart unit to take over to help manage your indoor comfort while reducing energy waste. Most smart thermostats also have built-in features that track your usage and provide regular reports to show you how your system is using energy and whether it’s operating efficiently.

Cost Savings

When you upgrade to a smart thermostat, you can also take advantage of cost savings on your monthly heating and cooling bills. These units contain features designed to limit how much energy is wasted when the system is operating while ensuring a comfortable indoor atmosphere. Smart thermostats can also learn your habits and schedule. They take the human error out of the equation by raising or lowering the temperature when you’re typically away from home.

If you’re interested in taking advantage of the benefits of a smart thermostat with your home’s HVAC system, contact Lighthouse Mechanical Heating and Cooling at 757-251-0579.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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